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Setup your new online giving page

Article by Adam Johannes
CEO, ChurchInsight


Following the beta phase of our new online giving feature we are pleased to give you a demo and share the setup instructions.

Our Fees: We charge you from 1.9% + 15p per transaction, depending on your pricing plan. There are no setup fees, and there are no fees due to anyone else. Also, your members stay on your site to donate, with everything on one page. 

You receive the funds in your nominated bank account after 7 days. All the transactions made in any one day are batched together and you can get a detailed break down of the transactions through your website in your Finance area of the web office.

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Setup Instructions

Get a ChurchInsight Processing account

You will need to have the 'Payment Processor Admin' permission to do this.

You can progress onto the next setup steps straight away, without having to wait until the processing account is verified. It just means the funds taken will not go into your account until it is verified.

Please Note:

Have the following documents ready for the person who has a reasonable level of authority to represent the organisation i.e. vicar, treasurer, senior staff member.
  • ID (one of)
    • Drivers license
    • Passport
  • Document (one of)
    • Utility bill
    • Bank statement
Document guidelines:
  • Must be dated within the last 6 months
  • Must be different than the document used for proof of ID
  • Incomplete or cropped documents not accepted

1) Add new payment processing account
  • Go to Site Settings > Finance > Payment Processing
  • Click on the Plus button to add a payment processing account
1. Add new processing account

2. Account name and type
  • Add your account name
  • Pick "ChurchInsight Processing" from the payment processor dropdown menu 
2. add name and type

3. Complete the account details
  • Fill in the details
  • Tick to agree to the terms and conditions
  • Click "Create Account"
Please note: The charity name needs to exactly match the name listed on the charity commission website.

3. details

4. Read instructions
  • Please read through the instructions carefully as this will help you create your account successfully
4. confirm

5. Begin Verification Steps
  • You will be taken the the following interface
  • Click on Get Started
5. get started

6. Organisation Details
  • Fill in the details of your organisation
  • Click "Next" to progress to the next page 
Please note:

**Charity name and address needs to exactly match charity commission**

The website will refer to business. If you are not a business (for example, you are a church or charity), please just read "organisation" wherever you see the word "business".

If you are asked for a Companies House Registration Number (CRN) and you do not have one, please substitute your charity number if you have one. You will need to add leading zeroes to make the number up to 8 digits. For example, if your charity number is "12345", you will need to enter "00012345". If you do not have either a CRN or a charity number, please enter 8 zeroes.

6. Org details

7. Key account holder
  • Please fill in this section for the person who has a reasonable level of authority to represent the organisation i.e. vicar, treasurer, senior staff member
  • Leave the bottom two tick boxes blank
Please note: The address must match any documentation you provide later in this process
7. Contact Info

8. Skip business ownership
  • Continue with no owners

8. no extra people

9. Skip business management
  • Continue with no directors

9. no governing body

10. More details required
  • You will now be asked to submit further details for the church and the key contact
  • Click to update the church's details

10 more info on church

11. Verification Document
  • Click "Verify Now"
11. verify now

12. Get your charity document
  • Go to (opens in new tab/window) and find your charity
  • Scroll down your page and click on the "PDF version" link
  • Download the document to your device
12. charity pdf

13. Upload your document
  • Back in the setup page, click on "Upload document" and upload the file you just downloaded to your device

13. Upload document

14. Save your upload
  • Click "Save"

14 og verification submitted

15. Update your key contact's information
  • Click "Update" for your key contact
15. update person

16. Start adding ID to your key contact
  • Under ID Verification click on "Verify now"
16 person id

17. Start uploading ID
  • Click "Start"
17 start person id

18. Choose ID
  • Pick the ID type you will be uploading
Please Note: The address must mach the details given for your key contact earlier in the process

18 Choose an option

19. Upload the ID file
  • Click "upload file"

19. Upload id

20. Choose your ID file
  • Click "Choose file"
20. choose file

21. Check your photo
  • Read the information about checking your photo
  • Choose another file, or click "Complete" 

21. check photo

22. Add additional information for your key contact
  • Under Addition document, click "Verify now"

22. Additional Info

23. Start the upload document process
  • Click "Upload document"
Please Note: The address must mach the details given for your key contact earlier in the process

23. Upload Doc

24. ID and documentation complete
  • Click "Done"

24. all done!

25. Confirm details stage
  • Click "Done"
  • You will get taken back to the ChurchInsight web office interface
25 confirm

26. Add bank account

You will now be presented with some details of your processing account. You will now need to add the bank account that you want your funds to be sent to.
  • Click on "Add a bank account"
26. Add Bank Account

27. Complete bank account details
  • Pick your bank's country from the dropdown
  • Fill in currency, sort code, account number, name of account 
  • Click "Add account"
27 bank details

28. Check verification

The account will now take time to be verified. Please check back in a day and check to see if it is verified. You can still progress the next steps to setup your donation page.

If there are items that need your attention you will see a light red box with links to click on and update the documents. Once you have completed those steps, check back in a day again.

Setting up your payment page

Follow the steps in this video to create your donation system. We call this a "Payment Page".

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Add the payment module to your page

Follow the steps in this last video to embed the donation system into your web page.
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For more information, or if you would like the module styled to your logo/brand colours please email and we will be happy to answer your questions and help you.
Adam Johannes, 16/03/2020