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Our member database can help you look after the people in your church. You can manage different groups of people and track church attendance. Use tools like the address book, child check-in, group mailings and rota reminders.


Members & Contacts Database

Church members’ details are held in the secure members’ database, allowing you to communicate with everyone in your church quickly and easily.

It is also important to keep in touch with those who are on the fringes of church or just looking in. ChurchInsight allows you to hold data for these people (contacts) who are not yet members, so you can communicate with them as well. You can keep your contacts in a separate database but still take advantage of the powerful features from ChurchInsight.

Child Check-in

Child Check-in is a new and flexible system that allows you to safely check your children into their Sunday groups.

For example, you can setup a laptop or iPad as a kiosk for registration and use a label printer to print a label for the child and a pick-up code for the parent.

We have put child protection at the heart of this new feature and integrated SMS text messaging to alert parents if there is an issue with their children. There is an incident log for leaders and labels to show medical or allergy information.


Our Attendance feature enables you to track people at church events. Perfect for kids and youth groups, or courses like Christianity Explored and Alpha. It's integrated with our check-in feature, so the attendance data is automatically linked with any previous check-in registrations.

The system provides you with reports, helping you to see who’s been attending and who hasn’t. This enables you to identify those who may need help or further information about a particular event.

Visitor Tracking

When you have a visitor at church, you may ask them to fill out a Welcome Card, but what happens next?

ChurchInsight has a tool that helps you manage follow-up procedures with visitors. Simply add their data to the Visitor Tracking group and follow the tasks in the list. You can set your own list of tasks, you can assign tasks to staff or volunteers, and you can run reports to get a clear view of who’s visiting and how they are being followed up.


We know that for many churches, a number of administration tasks are performed by faithful volunteers. We’ve made it easy for you to assign permissions to your volunteers, giving them login access to specific areas of your ChurchInsight web office.

For example, you can give someone permissions to manage the Tea and Coffee rota, but restrict them from being able to edit web pages or from seeing other information you wish to be kept hidden.

More Features

The church address book is a popular feature. It is only available to logged-in members, so details are not shared with the public. Members can set their own contact information and add profile photos if they choose.

Communication with church members is made easy by using our mailing and SMS messaging tools, address label printing, rota reminders and by writing content on your news or blog pages.

If you need to include more information for people in the database, that’s no problem, you can add custom fields.

Get in Touch

If you need more information or would like to discuss your requirements, please get in touch.

or call us on 01223 790 222